I'm thirsty anyway, So bring on the rain........

I made a big mistake today during our training session. See, there's a retention NCO (someone who tries to keep dumbasses like me in the military, for the betterment of the military!) that has been sort of hounding me to reenlist since I am open for reenlistment. The time I have spent in the Army as of yet has been, well, interesting and a learning experience. I associate my personal happenings in my life with the military. The military is not a good place to start relationships, to have families, to be free of all the restrictions that society sets for women. You're never a lady when you wear green. I have learned this. I know the Army has given me the opportunity of a lifetime, to experience new things, places, faces, people...that college alone would have never taught me.
I have learned what it is to be a total soldier. Religion, intelligence, physical activity, and family are all parts of the total soldier concept. It's odd how us women can talk ourselves to death, and it's not like I was out there offering the information. She asked a question and since I am not a liar, I answered truthfully. I had found a way to move here without the alloted time for this assignment. This is a special duty assignment that requires a 3 year (or 36 months, same thing but military talk) time frame to fulfill the slot I took. I only have 2 years left. Do you see where I fucked up? Yes, it's true.
So now, I can either voluntarily extend, or I can be "volentold" and do an involuntary extension to fulfill the Army needs for this special duty assignment. So my plans, or conceivement of plans of what to do when I get out have been foiled. I guess now I should work on getting promoted. Because if I am going to be in this shithole for another 3 years instead of just 2, then I might as well make it the best I can and get some cash. I told Randy about it, but I didn't get too much of a reaction from him. I wonder what he is thinking. He is getting out next year, and I will be here for another 2 after he leaves. I wonder if it'll work with him being in Ohio, and me here. Yes, it's only 8 hours and I know that two consenting adults can make anything work.
But we all are emotional beings with a highly developed rational possibility. I learned that yesterday, at a parenting class that I had to take. Why did I take it? Because I want to be a better parent. No scratch that, a great parent. I want another alternative than what I have been doing with my son. I am a firm believer in spanking, but I was not spanked. I was abused. And there is a thin, thin line between spanking and abusing. I have always been afraid that I will convert into my mother and actually abuse my child in a fit of anger. It's hard to erase things that have been ingrained into your head. I am 22, much taller and stronger than my mother, yet I still cower in her prescence. It's just that, I don't want my child, who unconditionally loves me to ever be afraid of me or my anger. After all I am an emotional being. Not rational. Even though I know how to act rationally, I understand that my emotions are my nature and I will always react emotionally instead of rationally.
So what to do? Shall I voluntarily set myself for another 12 months of "vacation" courtesy of the Army, and possibly diminish the grandness of love in all actuality, or should I try and make it work and see if I can be an adult and have a "long-distance" relationship with Randy? I don't know what will happen tomorrow, 6 months from now, or much less 2 years from now. I don't want to make him feel obligated to stay in the area because of me, and I don't want to keep him away from his heart with legs (his son). I feel like I am tugging his heart in a different direction that what it has wanted to go, and that makes me feel like the worse adversary possible. Why? Well, parents are supposed to be infallable, imperfect. That's what makes us great. But to feel like I am keeping him away from that, well that makes me feel like a jezebel. The woman who has and might lead him into temptation, while keeping him away from his son. So how does one parent, tell another parent that they must choose? I couldn't conceivably do that. It's not right. I am not here to step in between a father and his child. I have already done that to one person: my ex-husband. I am doubtless that I can live with myself if I did that once again. Someone help me! So yeah, that's been my morning. I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for reading my random musings.
"Another day has almost come and gone. I can't imagine what else could go wrong. Sometimes I'd like to hideaway somewhere and lock the door. Another battle lost, but not the war. Cus tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyway. So bring on the rain."
You are not stepping between me and my son. I have been struggling with the thought of going back home next year before you. I know what happens in that town my last trip home I ran into a couple people who joined the army and then got out and went back there, it's not pretty. You fall back to where you were before you left and I don't want to be that person again. Everything will work out somehow. I love you and he will love me where ever I choose to live, I will be able to see him alot more when I am a civilian and if I have enough room he will be able to stay with me in the summers.
Well, you do what you think is just and what you think is best for you in your situation. Don't feel obligated to me. Because you're not. I don't expect you to change or alter your life for me. That's not why I am with you. I am with you because I love you and I think you are a wonderful person. I just hope that whatever you choose to do, that you end up happy. And if our paths are meant to be intertwined, then we'll do that. But if not, then thank you for opening my heart again.
I hope your heart remains open to me. I know mine shall for you no matter where I choose to live. I am pretty sure if we make it that far, that our paths will merge together.
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