"Rollie Pollie"

She was squirming around. On her back. Her body defenseless. Using all her strenght in her panic to turn around. She wanted the earth beneath her once again, but was trembling in fright. Not getting it right. Just rocking on her solid back. The ground under her back, and not her feet. I was emphathetic. I feel the same way. I feel as though the ground were beneath me. Just within reach, but never close enough or stable enough to plant my feet on. And I am just squirming in a panic to have it underfoot again. I feel as though I have unrolled myself the wrong way. I need a helping hand to get back on track. Just like she did. I watched her tentatively. Cheering her on, secretly. I knew she could do it. She would stop. As though she were dead. Just lay very still as though she complentated the circumstances that had arisen when she found herself in her predicament. I symphatized. Watching her, emboldening her to do it alone. She reached out towards the sky exasperated. Her many legs praying to roll over. Swinging side to side on her back. I feel the same way. I kept agreeing with her. I feel your pain. Your desolation. I know how it feels to be on your back like that. Wanting nothing more but to roll up into a ball and get back to the beginning. I wish I could roll up. Wither myself away into a bony ball. One you could roll on your hand. I reached out to help. But I withdrew my hand. It's all ominous to me. No one will be here to sweep me up. No one to help me get back on my feet. It's all metaphorical. My existential life has been altered. I am on my back with fear, anxiousness, and a weary heart. I am tired. I am her. Laying there still. As though I were secretly dying in my stillness. I am watching the clouds go by, as I recount to myself how I got into my mess. Why did I unroll myself the wrong way? How can I get back? She started moving again. I watched her. I felt her desperation. So, on my way in I gave her a lending hand. I rolled her over. She defended herself agaisnt my help. She rolled herself up into a ball. I know I would have done the same if someone came to help. I placed her back on the ground, and walked away. I did my good deed for today. I hope she remembers me.